• Dalgakiran Compressor
  • Technology
  • Quality
  • Information Security Management System Policy
  • Information Security Management System Policy

    DALGAKIRAN considers corporate information to be a valuable asset.

    Dalgakıran considers corporate information to be a valuable asset. With the goal of protecting its employees’, business partners’, and customers’ information assets we aim to do the following:

    Minimize the losses that could arise from information security by effectively managing information security and taking action to prevent its repetition,

    Reduce the chances of an information security incident occurring and make a coordinated response should such an incident occur,

    Prevent interruptions to critical business processes, when this is not possible, to make them operable within the targeted recovery period and maintain business continuity,

    Comply with all legal regulations relating to information security and with contracts made with third parties (business partners, customers, suppliers),

    Maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility of our customers’ information assets within the information security management system,

    Protect our reputation and brand value in the eyes of our employees, customers, suppliers, and the general public,

    Have the competence to respond quickly to any information security incidents that may occur and minimize the impact of such incidents,

    Raise awareness by providing all personnel with information security management training,

    Continuously improve the information security management system,

    When determining information security policies:

    We explain that confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility are paramount when processing, transmitting, and retaining information, and we place emphasis on the risk management approach.

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