Purpose of the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)
Environmental and Social Management aims to consistently predict and eliminate the risks and effects that the COMPANY may face to prevent potential risks from turning into real problems, in line with national legislation and international standards.
Applicable national legislation and international standards determined within the scope of the COMPANY are listed in the ESMP. Responsible parties for the measures to be taken were also determined, and a framework for the institutional structure was established.
This plan has been developed in line with the following principles:
✓ To manage the COMPANY activities in accordance with the legal framework directives specified in article 1.4,
✓ Evaluating the environmental and social impacts on the affected people and communities because of the COMPANY activities, developing and implementing preventive and mitigating measures to eliminate the social and environmental negative impacts, and if this is not possible, to minimize them,
✓ In cases where there are inevitable effects because of COMPANY activities, developing the necessary plans to regulate the negative effects and drawing the main frame,
✓ To define the necessary roles and responsibilities and actions to respond to the environmental and social problems that may arise because of the COMPANY activities,
✓ Ensuring that the ESMP is feasible and cost effective,
✓ Fulfilling the function of a guide document to ensure the correct management of the environmental and social impacts of the COMPANY, and the implementation of the measures, and to monitor it,
✓ Developing methods and mechanisms that will enable grievances to be resolved within the scope of the Stakeholder Engagement Plan, which aims to address the concerns of all stakeholders.