• Dalgakiran Compressor
  • Sustainability
  • VSD Technology
  • VSD Technology

    Depending on which type of A Variable Speed Drive (VSD) Compressor you use, energy consumption could drop by up to 60%.

    Leading VSD technology to lower operation cost

    Every manufacturer has different requirements. For those who regularly require compressed air, there can be a significant cost to that need.When demand changes daily or even hour-to-hour, this presents a problem for fixed-speed air compressor systems. You’re stuck either leaving them operating continually at full speed, or turning them off and back on as needed.

    In such conditions our compressors automatically adjust the compressor’s operating speed to match air production to demand in real time, saving significant amounts of energy.Variable Speed Drive (VSD) compressors are designed for operations where demand for compressed air fluctuates, such as facilities that operate different processes or multiple shifts so flow demand increases and decreases throughout the day.

    A traditional fixed speed air compressor can only operate at full capacity. Fixed speed compressors consume a lot of energy when less air is required and some of the energy is wasted.

    Why Dalgakıran Kompresör VSD?

    • Whereas VSD compressor works only according to the amount of need, it reduces the energy cost.

    • There is no need to unload, which saves both time and energy.

    • Air system pressure is more consistent and also lower, minimizing energy consumption and air leaks.

    • Motor and inverter are specially designed to provide maximum efficiency.

    • The motors have successfully passed tests performed in the harshest conditions such as high temperature and high pressure.

    • Variable speed compressors vibrate less than the other models used in the market.

    Applications of VSD Compressors

    From crafting toys to making furniture, manufacturers rely on the efficiency of their machinery. With the ability to match power consumption to demand, VSD compressors help factories run smoothly and economically.

    Producing medicines requires precision and utmost purity. With VSD compressors, pharmaceutical companies can maintain controlled environments, ensuring both the efficiency and quality of production.

    In the delicate world of electronics, even a speck of dust can spell disaster. VSD compressors provide clean and consistent air, which is essential for tasks such as assembling delicate components or cleaning circuit boards.

    The automotive industry has a vast need for compressed air equipment, whether for painting cars or powering pneumatic tools. VSD compressors offer the reliability and adaptability this fast-paced industry needs.

    Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) are the backbone of most electronic devices. Cleaning them requires precision and purity, which VSD compressors provide by offering clean, oil-free air to eliminate contaminants.

    Have you ever noticed that gust of air when you walk into some stores or buildings? That’s an air curtain, designed to keep the external environment separate from the inside. VSD compressors help power these curtains, adjusting the airflow based on external conditions.

    Whether it’s freshly painted toys or a batch of freshly baked cookies, drying is a crucial step in many production processes. VSD compressors provide consistent airflow for efficient drying without over-consuming energy.

    From the cars we drive to the phones in our pockets, the influence of VSD compressors is vast and varied. As industries continue to evolve, the role of these compressors is set to become even more indispensable.

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