• Dalgakiran Compressor
  • Sustainability
  • Measurement
  • Measurement

    In a compressed air systems that is only moderately maintained, up to 30% of the generated compressed air can be lost due to leaks.

    Leaks can be a significant source of wasted energy in an industrial compressed air system.

    Poorly closing couplings, old hoses, or worn and leaking seals are all areas where compressed air can be escaping your compressed air systems. Even a minimal leakage however can be responsible for excessive costs.

    Leaks can be a significant source of wasted energy in an industrial compressed air system, sometimes wasting 20-30% of a compressor's output. A typical plant that has not been well maintained will likely have a leak rate equal to 20% of total compressed air production capacity. On the other hand, proactive leak detection and repair can reduce leaks to less than 10% of compressor output.

    In addition to being a source of wasted energy, leaks can also contribute to other operating losses. Leaks cause a drop in system pressure, which can make air tools function less efficiently, adversely affecting production. In addition, by forcing the equipment to cycle more frequently, leaks shorten the life of almost all system equipment (including the compressor package itself). 

    Since air leaks are almost impossible to see, other methods must be used to locate them. The best way to detect leaks is to use an ultrasonic acoustic detector, which can recognize the high frequency hissing sounds associated with air leaks. These portable units consist of directional microphones, amplifiers, and audio filters, and usually have either visual indicators or earphones to detect leaks.

    Leaks occur most often at joints and connections at end-use applications. Stopping leaks can be as simple as tightening a connection or as complex as replacing faulty equipment such as couplings, fittings, pipe sections, hoses, joints, drains, and traps. In many cases leaks are caused by bad or improperly applied thread sealant. Select high quality fittings, disconnects, hose, tubing, and install them properly with appropriate thread sealant.

    Non-operating equipment can be an additional source of leaks. Equipment no longer in use should be isolated with a valve in the distribution system.

    Another way to reduce leaks is to lower the demand air pressure of the system. The lower the pressure differential across an orifice or leak, the lower the rate of flow, so reduced system pressure will result in reduced leakage rates. Stabilizing the system header pressure at its lowest practical range will minimize the leakage rate for the system.

    Don't lose money due to air leaks!

    Unfortunately leak detection and repair cannot ever be a one off event. As the compressed air system ages or changes with time it may need further attention. If you want long term results then you must consider leak detection and repair as an ongoing programme.

    You may consider speaking to your service provider about adding leak detection to your maintenance programme. An ongoing leak detection audit and repair actions will quickly pay for itself through energy savings. And, as an aside, you will likely also benefit from reduced downtime and better running production equipment.

    Should you want to identify and fix inaccessible leaks in your unit, count on Dalgakıran Kompresör Teams and solutions. You may connect with our expert teams, get a FREE air leak detection and measurement.

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