• Dalgakiran Compressor
  • Sustainability
  • Sustainability

    The Earth’s atmosphere is warming, faster than ever. Global temperatures have been rising for well over a century, accelerating in recent years, and are now the highest on record.

    It's time you discovered how air compressors can improve the sustainability of your facility.

    The Earth’s atmosphere is warming, faster than ever. Global temperatures have been rising for well over a century, accelerating in recent years, and are now the highest on record.

    Carbon (CO2) emissions are causing the greenhouse effect, trapping heat, and making our world warmer, faster than could ever happen naturally. Reducing carbon pollution is essential if we are to keep our ­planet’s temperature in check.For this reason, businesses are working towards improved green credentials and increasingly ambitious sustainability targets.

    Globally increasing energy prices and ever-challenging market conditions force all companies to review their energy consumption. It is here that a business enterprise’s profitability depends on its efficient use of energy sources, meaning that energy-efficient practices are now an indispensable item on businesses’ agendas.

    We have a long tradition of doing business in a sustainable way. This means that we do everything we can to create lasting value while safeguarding people, company's profit and the world. We provide safe, reliable and energy efficient solutions to customers in a wide range of industries including manufacturing, construction, pharmaceutical, automotive and electronics.

    Dalgakıran Kompresör measures your currently installed systems and provides a detailed report of your system’s energy performance to reduce your energy costs. This reporting allows Dalgakıran Kompresör to make the most appropriate suggestions for your businesses and it provides professional energy efficiency consultation for businesses’ compressed air facilities including the elimination of losses and leaks. 

    A precise check of the system pressure can save energy. For example, is 8 bar really needed, or would 7 bar suffice? If it would, then you would save eight to ten percent of the energy costs relating to compressed air – without any investment. 

    Heat recovery can also considerably raise the efficiency of the compressor station, as there are many thermal processes where the waste heat can be used. In the case of oil-injected compressors, 94 percent of the energy used can be recovered as heat.

    A comprehensive condition assessment also covers energyconsumption and leak measurement. It can often result in considerable savings: even in well-maintained compressed air networks, 10 to 20 percent of the generated compressed air is lost due to leaks, and in some cases it is up to 40 percent. 

    Modern, energy efficient compressed air systems, as well as individual analysis of compressor systems, can bring about potential energy savings of 30 to 50 percent. The entire lifecycle of a compressed air system is much more than simply the initial expenditure – energy costs make up 75 to 90 percent of total costs. By exploiting the available opportunities to improve the efficiency of your compressed air systems, you can ensure lower long-term expenses, with a return on investment achieved quickly given the aforementioned cost structure. Improving energy efficiency is not only cost-effective, but also responsible helping to preserve our environment.

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