We continue to make new investment plans that will carry our company forward, and we consider the geopolitical, economic, or social conditions of our region and our era, during the planning process. We have overcome several challenges, causing fluctuations in the supply chain, such as pandemics, severe natural disasters, global inflation, and energy crises, without compromising our core values and relying on our risk management experience. We acted attentively to benefit from the experiences we gained during these periods as much as possible. Happily, our company continued and will continue to be reliable for both our business partners and employees, regardless of the circumstances. In this context, I would like to note that engaging with satisfied and trustworthy employees plays an active role in our success today.
As long as our success in achieving the financial targets is intact, we shall continue to increase our share in the international market and climb to the top of the sectoral success rankings that are listed globally. In this manner, our company, which exports 70% of its production to more than 130 countries today, aims to grow by production and increase its export-oriented sales, and become one of the top 5 companies in the world in its sector. We highly believe that it is significant to generate social benefits as well as maintain our financial success, and we attach importance to further developing our cooperation toward shaping a more livable world.
Our immediate goals, are by all means very precious, just like every goal we have achieved so far. However, I believe that goals do not serve as much significance unless the journey toward them is gratifying. As Dalgakıran Kompresör, we consider our set targets integrated with the compressed air solutions that we have produced with passion and confidence for half a century, defining the process ‘’The Journey of Air’’. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who has accompanied us and contributed to this journey.
Adnan Dalgakıran
Chairman of the Board