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  • Sustainable Production in Machinery Industry

    Sustainable Production in Machinery Industry

    The steam engine developed by James Watt in 1776 led to the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and significantly increased production volume. This invention enhanced production efficiency but also brought some problems, such as severe environmental damage caused by industrial activities. Over the years, countries seeking to reduce environmental impact have come together through various collaborations to take preventive measures.

    The first of these measures was the Kyoto Protocol, signed in 1997. Through this agreement, 169 countries took on environmental responsibilities. However, as countries failed to fully meet their commitments, the protocol was terminated in 2020.
    Unlike the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Climate Agreement was signed in 2016 by 196 countries, including both developed and developing nations worldwide. The agreement aims to keep global temperature increases below 2 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial levels, setting a target of 1.5 degrees Celsius.
    The primary causes of global temperature rise include the extraordinary increase in production to meet supply demands, environmental pollution caused by industrial sectors, and the uncontrolled and reckless consumption of natural resources. The concepts of sustainability and sustainable production have become critical responsibilities for businesses, society, the environment, and the planet to prevent this increase.
    Following these developments, in 2015, member states of the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the Sustainable Development Summit in New York, comprising 17 main goals, including combating climate change.
    Turkey, with its advanced engineering capabilities, adaptability to innovations, industrial facilities, advanced sub-industries, young workforce, and specialized personnel, has positioned its machinery sector at the center of all transformation and change efforts both domestically and globally.
    To ensure their existence, purpose, and future, machine manufacturers in Turkey are expected to internalize the sustainability perspective and take green transformation steps that support a zero-emission, resource-efficient, and competitive economy while also further developing these steps.

    Where to Start?

    In the industrial sector, it is essential first to identify critical control points for Total Sustainability Management, set targets for these points, and monitor progress.

    • First, greenhouse gas emissions should be calculated, and measures should be taken to reduce them.
    • Product carbon footprint and product life cycle processes should be determined, and action plans should be developed to eliminate emissions at every stage, from product design to the end of its life cycle. 
    • Significant Energy Usage (SEU) areas in corporate spaces should be identified, and improvements should be made to reduce them.
    • New technological investments should be made to transition to infrastructures that save energy and compensate for the savings.
    • Alternatives for transitioning to renewable energy sources should be explored.
    • The supply chain should be approached with a carbon reduction perspective, with improvements in raw material procurement and transportation processes.
    • Diversity in raw material and material usage should be ensured, and recycled products, raw materials, and packaging should be preferred.
    • Waste management efforts should be undertaken in operational areas, demonstrating efforts to prevent, reduce, and separate waste properly.
    What Have We Done?

    In addition to the previous Management Systems and Total Quality Management efforts, Dalgakıran started internalizing sustainability in 2020 through Environmental and Social Management practices. Reports evaluating the criteria set by the World Bank, IFC Performance Standards, and legal regulations have framed our sustainability efforts. These steps, transitioning from abstract concepts to concrete actions, have integrated energy audit data into a comprehensive policy, defining our main goals. The following actions have been implemented in a structured plan, forming our roadmap:

    Through Corporate Carbon Footprint studies, we started calculating our corporate carbon footprint in 2021. With the measures taken, savings achieved, and improvements made:

    • In 2022, category 1, 2, and 3 emissions were reduced by 10%.
    • In 2023, our corporate carbon footprint per ton of production was reduced by 22%, equivalent to the carbon absorption of approximately 400,000 trees.
    • In 2023, by applying for the Green Energy Tariff, category 2 emissions were eliminated.
    • In 2024, work began on a Solar Energy System (SES) project to cover 50% of our energy consumption.
    • With the ISO 14067 Product Carbon Footprint and LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) study, we aim to measure greenhouse gases emitted throughout the production and usage of our products, allowing consumers to make more informed and environmentally conscious choices with our eco-friendly and sustainable products.
    • With LEED (Green Building) certification, production has been carried out in environmentally and human-friendly facilities.
    • With ISO 50001 Energy Management System, we have set energy objectives and targets, improving energy performance and implementing savings measures to control energy consumption.Through new technological investments in production areas, hazardous waste volumes have been reduced by more than 50%.
    To leave a healthy and livable world for future generations, government institutions, civil society organizations, and industrial sectors bear significant responsibilities. Through collective efforts, we can support sustainable development and effectively fulfill our environmental responsibilities.